The Beginning of Dash Class .
Welcome to our little community. :)
BarlitoHi, I’m Barlito.
I’ve tried to set up a system that focuses on learning in its purest form. I hope you excuse the mess and awkwardness and join us as, together, we get this new idea off the ground.
DashClass is trying to fill a big need… we’re starting from scratch... and I need your help.
In the last 20 years, America has taken massive leaps in ease of learning. Web searches don’t even need to be typed anymore and lead to free articles on nearly every subject. Online classes (from colleges or smaller entities) have exploded in availability. Colleges are larger (and more expensive) than ever.
But the human touch hasn’t kept pace.
Let's fix that. :)
Let's create an environment that is easy for people to become teachers… and even easier for students to find the exact subject and teacher they want. We want the teachers to collect a bigger share of the profits while students get better prices, at the same time.
For those of you taking the first leap into teaching or looking for a class on this site, I humbly thank you. This is an idea (and site) that gets better as the community of students and teachers grow. At we’re starting at 1. This is the hardest, most awkward part, folks.
The first 10 teachers and 100 students will be harder to drum up than the next 90 teachers. And those first 100 teachers will be much harder to recruit than the next thousand teachers.
But as we grow from one city to the next, it’ll get easier and easier for our community to find what they are looking for. Easier for teachers to make money and sell out classes at the size and time of their choosing. And I’ll be able to roll out better and better website tools and functionality for everyone.
Thanks for reading this. I hope you will give it a chance. :)