Class List

In person and online classes are available.
Only pay for the class/days you attend.
Lady taking pictures of hot air ballons rising over a canyon.
Professional helping a Do It Yourself'er with a cabinet.
A tutor helping a student.
A hiker getting first aid from another hiker in the mountains.
A teacher smiling in front of a chalkboard with hundreds of equations artfully written behind him.
Complete list of classes currently available on DashClass .
Class Title Subject(s) Short Description When
Example Class Painting It is just an example of what classes look like. 11/1/22 8:05PM
Outdoor, Phyiscal Training Physical Training One on one, customized physical training. 11/3/20 2:00PM


  • Click the to see the class details, start time, length, requirements, and pricing.
  • Sign up for anything you would like.
  • Pay only for the classes you take.
  • Each class is never more than one day long. (Field trips are the only exception.)
  • If you want to learn more and liked the teacher, sign up for another one of his or her classes.


  • Classes can be: in person only, online (remote) only, or allow both. Each class will say this in the details.
  • Teachers write requirements (including additional fees) in the class's long description. Please, make sure you understand what you are signing up for.
  • Classes can be cancelled if not enough students sign up. Teachers set the minimum requirement for each class.
  • Your dashboard will show you all the classes you have signed up for.